NIFU Open Access Archive: Nye registreringer
Viser treff 1-20 av 2859
Gender differences in the patterns and consequences of changing research directions in scientific careers
(Journal article, 2024)Changes of research directions in scientific careers are related to the so-called “essential tension” between exploration of new knowledge and exploitation of established knowledge in research and innovation. Changes of ... -
Gifted students’ experiences with participation in enrichment programs at talent centers in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Gifted students may be at risk of school disengagement due to lacking intellectual challenges. Four talent centers were established to offer makerspace enrichment programs, because makerspace activities promote engagement ... -
Implikasjoner av skjevheter i Kandidatundersøkelsen
(NIFU Arbeidsnotat;2024:13, Working paper, 2024-10)I dette notatet undersøker vi graden av målefeil i Kandidatundersøkelsen (KU) og betydningen av henholdsvis seleksjon og feilrapportering for den totale målefeilen. Høy kvalitet i KU-dataene er avgjørende, ettersom KU ... -
Mapping Norwegian Polar and Svalbard Research
(NIFU-rapport;2024:12, Report, 2024-09)Polar research constitutes 0.32 % of the world's total scientific article production as reflected in the WoS database. Norway is a significant contributor to this polar research, accounting for 5.2 % of the global total ... -
Evaluering av forsøk med vurdering av orden og oppførsel uten karakter
(NIFU Arbeidsnotat;12, Working paper, 2024-09)NIFU gjennomfører utprøving og forsking om orden og oppførsel uten karakterer på oppdrag fra Utdanningsdirektoratet. Denne oppstartsrapporten beskriver prosjektet, og redegjør for hvordan evalueringsprosessen skal gjennomføres. -
Virksomheten ved Senter for grunnforskning (CAS)
(NIFU Arbeidsnotat;2024: 1, Working paper, 2024-09)Dette arbeidsnotatet presenterer resultater fra et kunnskapsgrunnlag som er pro-dusert av NIFU på oppdrag fra Senter for grunnforskning. Oppdraget har bestått av å samle inn erfaringer og innspill fra forskere som har hatt ... -
Spørsmål til Skole-Norge: Analyser og resultater fra Utdanningsdirektoratets spørreundersøkelse til skoler og skoleeiere våren 2024
(NIFU-rapport;2024: 11, Report, 2024-08)Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning (NIFU) har en rammeavtale for 2021–2025 med Utdanningsdirektoratet om å gjennomføre halvårlige spørreundersøkelser rettet mot skoler og skoleeiere. ... -
A scoping review of school leadership practices in Lesson Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is growing interest in the value of teacher–learning communities for practice improvement. Lesson Study is an approach to build capacity, strengthen professional communities among teachers, and improve teaching. This ... -
Research trends on digital school leadership over time: Science mapping and content analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The purpose of this study is to map trends in literature about digital school leadership over the last decades. Combining bibliometric and automatic content analyses, we map and analyze a sample of 350 documents, retrieved ... -
A scoping review of school leadership practices in Lesson Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is growing interest in the value of teacher–learning communities for practice improvement. Lesson Study is an approach to build capacity, strengthen professional communities among teachers, and improve teaching. This ... -
Kandidatundersøkelsen 2023. Nyutdannede masterkandidaters tilfredshet med utdanning og jobb
(NIFU Arbeidsnotat;2024:10, Working paper, 2024-08)Dette arbeidsnotatet ser på tilfredshet med utdanning og arbeid for nyutdannede masterkandidater. Analysene er basert på Kandidatundersøkelsen, som NIFU gjennomfører på oppdrag av Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og ... -
Humanister i arbeidslivet
(Research report, 2016) -
NMBUs satsing på bærekraftsarenaer: En kvalitativ evaluering
(NIFU Arbeidsnotat;2024-11, Working paper, 2024-08-06)Dette arbeidsnotatet presenterer en evaluering av NMBUs bærekraftsarenaer. Hensikten med arenaene er å knytte sammen forskning, utdanning og innovasjon og tilby forskningsmiljøene tid og rom for samarbeid og utvikling av ... -
Waiting for the revolution: how higher education institutions initially responded to ChatGPT
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Although debates regarding the integration of digital technologies in higher education are far from new, the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022 was considered by many as something different from the developments that had ... -
Resilience perspectives in sustainability transitions research: A systematic literature review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Resilience is traditionally seen as the capability to bounce back to normal from undesired change, while sustainability transitions research seeks to understand how a radical change can be promoted. This may be seen as a ... -
Tilbydere av trefaglig kompetanse
(Treteknisk Rapport;, Research report, 2024)Denne rapporten gir en oversikt over kompetansebehov og utvikling innen den norske bygg- og treindustrien, med et spesielt fokus på økt bruk av tre for å redusere klimagassutslipp. Norge har forpliktet seg til å kutte ... -
Pathways to higher education for vocationally qualified students. The case of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This article investigates six pathways through which students possessing initial vocational qualifications can enter higher education in Norway. In Norway, vocational education and training (VET) tracks in upper secondary ... -
Profiling teacher educators’ strategies for professional digital competence development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The present study investigates the variety among teacher educators (TEds) related to the use of digital resources in teaching as well as the strategies they use to develop digital competence. A person-centred approach was ... -
Improving the efficiency of research proposals evaluation: A two-stage procedure
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)An important share of research funding is allocated via competitive programs, which entail considerable direct and indirect costs, such as to develop and evaluate the proposals. The goal of this article is to explore whether ... -
Centre for Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE): an inquiry into institutional change processes in higher music education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study explores change processes in higher music education by following the development of the Centre for Excellence in Music Performance Education (CEMPE) at the Norwegian Academy of Music (NMH) over the period ...