Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 394
ERAWATCH Country Reports 2009: Analysis of policy mixes to foster R&D investment and to contribute to the ERA: Norway
(Research report, 2009)The main objective of the ERAWATCH Policy Mix Country reports 2009 is to characterise and assess in a structured manner the evolution of the national policy mixes in the perspective of the Lisbon goals, with a particular ... -
Ledet til ledelse: Nasjonal rektorutdanning i grunn- og videregående skole i et internasjonalt perspektiv. Delrapport 1 fra Evaluering av den nasjonale rektorutdanningen
(Research report, 2011)I denne rapporten peker vi på at den norske rektorutdanningen har kjennetegn som er relativt typiske i forhold til utviklingstendensene for moderne skolelederutdanning: sterkere nasjonal styring gjennom etablering av ... -
Open innovation in Europe: effects, determinants and policy
(Research report, 2011) -
Energy Innovation Systems: Indicator Report 2012
(Research report, 2012)Knowledge about the innovation systems with respect to new energy solutions and technologies is of central importance for understanding the dynamics of change in the energy sector and assessment of opportunities for moving ... -
Knowledge spillovers to industry: Opportunities for universities of applied sciences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The paper condenses recent empirical findings about the characteristics of those firms that utilize and appreciate knowledge spillovers from higher education organizations. We discuss these findings, sketch out how these ... -
Ledet til lederutvikling. Nasjonal rektorutdanning i grunn- og videregående skole; forskjeller og likheter mellom de seks programtilbyderne
(Research report, 2012)Norway recently launched a national program for school leader development, organized through the Directorate for Education (see Lysø et al 2011). NIFU and NTNU Samfunnsforskning were asked to evaluate the program, and this ... -
Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport
(Lecture, 2013)This paper attempts to review two important strands on literature relevant for our understanding of demonstration projects and trials for the transition towards more sustainability: Firstly, the literature on demonstration ... -
Indicators of energy innovation systems and their dynamics: A review of current practice and research in the field
(Research report, 2013)The purpose of this ‘radar report’ is to give an overview of the state of the art concerning indicators of energy innovation systems and their dynamics. As part of this, it is the aim to discuss current challenges and ... -
ERAWATCH Country Reports 2011: Iceland
(Research report, 2013)This analytical country report is one of a series of annual ERAWATCH reports produced for EU Member States and Countries Associated to the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Union (FP7). ERAWATCH is ... -
Nordic pathways
(Others, 2013) -
Nordic biofuels
(Others, 2013) -
"Har vi hatt leksehjelp nå?" Sosial utjevning når alle skal med
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)I en kompleks verden får tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan også være paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjør at resultatene ikke blir ... -
Learning outcomes across disciplines and professions: Measurement and interpretation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Learning outcomes of higher education are a quality tool in a changing higher education landscape but cannot be seen as neutral measures across professions and disciplines. Survey results from graduates and recent graduates ... -
Ledet til endring: Nasjonal rektorutdanning i grunn- og videregående skole; endringer på skolene, måloppnåelse og anbefalinger. Sluttrapport fra Evalueringen av den nasjonale rektorutdanningen
(Research report, 2014)I 2009 ble det igangsatt en nasjonal rektorutdanning for skoleledere i grunn- og videregående skole. Initiativet kan sees på som en konkret oppfølging av politiske ambisjoner om kvalitetsheving i norsk skole. Den nasjonale ... -
Phased Implementation: Successful Alignment of Tools of Implementation to Improve Motivation and Mastery in Lower Secondary Schools in Norway
(Chapter, 2014)Is one national implementation strategy better than another given similar conditions? Or: Is choosing an implementation strategy a way of altering its conditions? A Norwegian aphorism says that the forest stands although ... -
The Micro-foundations of Regional Branching—the Case of Digitization of Publishing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Theorizing within evolutionary economic geography (EEG) on regional branching of industries has so far been depicted as evolving through routine replication among different economic actors that hold various degrees of ... -
Inventory of demonstration and trial projects in sustainable energy and transport in Scandinavia
(Research report, 2014) -
Enhancing measurement in science and mathematics education through Rasch analysis: Rationale and properties
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article presents the basic rationale of Rasch theory and seven core properties of Rasch modeling; analyses of test targeting, person separation, person fit, item fit, differential item functioning, functioning of ... -
Barnehagetilbudet til barn med særlige behov : Undersøkelse av tilbudet til barn med særlige behov under opplæringspliktig alder
(Research report, 2015)Alle barn under opplæringspliktig alder med særlig behov for spesialpedagogisk hjelp, har rett til slik hjelp. Kommunen har også ansvar for å tilrettelegge barnehagetilbudet til barn med nedsatt funksjonsevne, og ...