• Adding value to side-streams in the food and beverage industry: Lessons for the circular bioeconomy 

      Klitkou, Antje; Bolwig, Simon (NIFU Insight;2019-12, Others, 2019-06-13)
      We present main challenges and opportunities for the valorisation of side-streams in the food and beverage industry, based on comparative case studies in Norway and in Denmark: on whey in the dairy industry, on animal ...
    • Regional policy development based on new research directions 

      Capasso, Marco; Iversen, Eric James; Klitkou, Antje; Sandven, Tore (NIFU Insight;2018-2, Others, 2018-05-29)
      Addressing climate change is one of the grand societal challenges of our time. It requires a concerted effort of innovation, industrial and environmental policy. In order to achieve green restructuring at regional level, ...
    • Virkemiddelapparatet, stiavhengighet og grønn omstilling 

      Mark, Michael Spjelkavik; Klitkou, Antje (NIFU Innsikt;2022-7, Others, 2022-06-10)
      Norge har ambisiøse forpliktelser i klimapolitikken; i henhold til Parisavtalen må utslippene reduseres med minst 50 prosent innen 2030 sammenlignet med 1990-nivået. Til sammenligning klarte Norge å redusere utslippene med ...