Reports / Rapporter: Nye registreringer
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Nye virkemidler for innovasjon – hva gjøres i andre land?
(STEP Report;9-2002, Research report, 2002-04) -
High-Tech Spin-Offs in the Nordic Countries. Statistical annex
(STEP Report;24-2003, Research report, 2003)The present volume contains statistical tables that supplement the main report with the same title. The material is organised according to the same structure as in the main report (STEP Report 23-2003). Comments to the ... -
Some methodological issues using labour force survey data for mobility research
(STEP Report;14-2003, Research report, 2003-07-09)The paper discusses the use of Labour Force Survey (LFS) data in mobility research. Design, conceptual, statistical, and other issues are addressed. Mobility figures emanating from Icelandic LFS and tax register data are ... -
Behind the music. Profiting from Sound: A Systems Approach to the Dynamics of the Nordic Music Industry
(STEP Report;4-2003, Research report, 2003-06-13) -
Mobility of human capital – the Nordic countries, 1988-1998
(STEP Report;11-2003, Research report, 2003-07-09)The report gives detailed annual statistics of job-to-job mobility in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for the period 1988-1998. Complete annual matched employee/employer datasets for the four countries make up the bulk ... -
Knowledge intensive service activities and innovation in public home based services to elderly in Norway – Part project report from the OECD KISA study
(STEP Report;4-2004, Research report, 2004)This is the second of three studies of the use of knowledge intensive service activities (KISA) in innovation in specific industries or sectors. The report consists of the Norwegian part of an OECD study which includes ... -
Migration between the Nordic countries: What do register data tell us about the knowledge flows?
(STEP Report;10-2003, Research report, 2003-07-09)The report gives detailed annual statistics of Nordic migration between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden for the period 1988-1998. Some data for Iceland and the Faroe Islands are also included. National register data ... -
Studie av innovasjonssystemer for marine innsatsvarer
(STEP Report;2-2002, Research report, 2002-03-01) -
Learning two coins one-side-trick. Interaction of social science and policy - On the importance of policy learning
(STEP Report;19-2003, Research report, 2003)The paper outlines a systemic based approach to policy learning to the development of policy making capabilities and competences and the role of social science and related policy analysis to the policy making process. The ... -
Innovation policy in the post-war period
(STEP Report;1-2003, Research report, 2003-06-12) -
Measuring mobility – some methodological issues
(STEP Report;13-2003, Research report, 2003-07-09)The paper discusses definitions of mobility, the choice of unit of observation for mobility (establishment or enterprise) and classifications of sectors of the economy. The rationale for the discussion is to find a good ... -
Mobility from the research sector in the Nordic countries
(STEP Report;12-2003, Research report, 2003-07-09)The report gives a detailed statistical exposition of flows of personnel between the research-producing sector and other sectors of the economy for the period 1988-1998 in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Complete ... -
Knowledge intensive service activities and innovation in the Norwegian aquaculture industry - Part project report from the OECD KISA study
(STEP Report;5-2004, Research report, 2004)This report is the last of three studies focusing on the use of knowledge intensive service activities (KISA) in innovation in specific industries in Norway (Broch, 2004 and Broch and Isaksen, 2004). Typical examples of ... -
Innovasjon og næringsutvikling i Vestfold – en truet suksesshistorie?
(STEP Report;2-2003, Research report, 2003-06-06) -
The Educational Attainment Of Employees As An Indicator Of The Innovation Capacities Of Enterprises
(STEP Report;7-2002, Research report, 2002-01) -
IP-Valuation as a Tool to Sustain Innovation
(STEP Report;17-2003, Research report, 2003-09-04)In recent years, a variety of interests have argued that improved standards are needed for valuing intangible assets. Although there is agreement on this general point, there is persistent divergence among accountants, ... -
Bare plankekjøring? Utvikling av en overordnet innovasjonsstrategi i BAE-næringen
(STEP Report;21-2003, Research report, 2003-11-03)STEP har analysert bygg-, anleggs-og eiendomsnæringens situasjon, sentrale innovasjonsutfordringer og viktige hindringer for innovasjon. Rapporten skal bidra til næringens videre arbeid med å utvikle en innovasjonsstrategi ... -
Hvem er forskningsinstituttenes næringslivskunder?
(STEP Report;8-2002, Research report, 2002-10) -
Oslo Innovation Scoreboard – an attempt to develop a comparable set of indicators used in the Regional Innovation Scoreboard for the Oslo Region
(STEP Report;15-2003, Research report, 2003-08-01)Norway is in many ways integrated with the European markets, but this is not the case considering statistics developed by EUROSTAT on regional level and the development of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). This ... -
Innovation and economic behaviour - Need for a new approach?
(STEP Report;20-2003, Research report, 2003)The purpose of this paper is neither to give a new synthetic basis for the future development of the Oslo Manual, nor to provide a full review of all relevant issues. The purpose is limited to locating and raising some ...