STEP Centre for Innovation Research (1994-2004)
The STEP-group (Studies in technology, innovation and economic policy) was established in 1991 to support policy-makers with research on all aspects of innovation and technological change, with particular emphasis on the relationships between innovation, economic growth and the social context. The basis of the group's work was the recognition that science, technology and innovation are fundamental to economic growth; yet there remain many unresolved problems about how the processes of scientific and technological change actually occur, and about how they have social and economic impacts. The research of the STEP group centres on historical, economic, social and organisational issues relevant for broad fields of innovation policy and economic growth. On May 1, 2004, the STEP-group merged with NIFU to make the most of the synergies between these organisations and their complementary areas of expertise.
Collections in this community
Other publications [62]
Working papers, project reports, newsletters etc. -
Reports / Rapporter [138]
STEP Reports with ISSN 0804-8185
Recent Submissions
(Academic article, 2023) -
Norske IT-kompetansemiljøer
(STEP Working Paper;6-1999, Working Paper, 1999-12) -
Elementer i en felles innovasjonspolitikk for Trøndelagsfylkene
(STEP Working Paper;1-2001, Working Paper, 2001-09) -
Evaluering av offentlige og industrielle forsknings- og utviklingskontrakter: Tallgrunnlag
(STEP Working Paper;1-2000, Working Paper, 2000-09) -
The historical evolution of innovation and technology policy in Norway
(STEP Working Paper;4-1999, Working Paper, 1999-04) -
Raising Standards: Innovation and the emerging global standardization environment for ICT
(STEP Working Paper;2-2000, Working Paper, 2000-10) -
Den digitale økonomi: Faglige og politiske utfordringer
(STEP Working Paper;5-1999, Working Paper, 1999-05) -
Nyskapingsprosjekter i små og unge bedrifter: Hvilken rolle spiller Osloområdet?
(STEP Working Paper;3-2000, Working Paper, 2000-10) -
TEFT: Diffusing technology from research institutes to SMEs
(STEP Working Paper;3-1999, Working Paper, 1999-03) -
Staten og IT-kompetansen: Offer eller aktivist?
(STEP Working Paper;9-1999, Working Paper, 1999-12) -
Innovation systems and capabilities
(STEP Working Paper;10-1999, Working Paper, 1999-12) -
Knowledge infrastructure in the Norwegian pulp and paper industry
(STEP Working Paper;8-1999, Working Paper, 1999-12) -
Fundamental and contextual issues involving the strategic use of IPRs
(STEP Working Paper;1-2002, Working Paper, 2002-09) -
Rushing to Reginn: The evolution of a semi-institutional approach
(STEP Working Paper;2-1999, Working Paper, 1999-04) -
A patent share and citation analysis of knowledge bases and interactions in the Norwegian innovation system
(STEP Working Paper;7-1999, Working Paper, 1999-12) -
FoU-aktivitet i Oslo: En presentasjon av noen sentrale FoU-data
(STEP Working Paper;8-1998, Working Paper, 1998-10) -
Measuring innovation capabilities in southern and northern Norway
(STEP Working Paper;9-1998, Working Paper, 1998-11) -
Økonomisk analyse av tjenestenæringer: Utfordringer til datagrunnlaget
(STEP Working Paper;1-1999, Working Paper, 1999-03) -
Machine tool services and innovation
(STEP Working Paper;6-1998, Working Paper, 1998-10) -
Offshore Engineering, Consulting and Innovation
(STEP Working Paper;4-1998, Working Paper, 1998-02)