Blar i Other publications på utgivelsesdato
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Using community innovation survey data for empirical analysis: Data reliability and issues for analysts
(IDEA Paper Series;4, Working Paper, 1998) -
Indicatiors for systems of innovation and system interactions: Technological collaboration and inter-active learning
(IDEA Paper Series;11, Working Paper, 1998) -
Understanding R&D intensity indicators: Effects of differences in industrial structure and country size
(IDEA Paper Series;14, Working Paper, 1998) -
Conceptualizing and measuring technological innovation
(IDEA Paper Series;1, Working Paper, 1998) -
Survey indicators for environmental innovation
(IDEA Paper Series;8, Working Paper, 1998) -
Variety and diversity: Considerations for empirical research on innovation
(IDEA Paper Series;13, Working Paper, 1998) -
Measuring innovation in services
(IDEA Paper Series;6, Working Paper, 1998) -
Indicators for systems of innovation: A bibliometrics-based approach
(IDEA Paper Series;12, Working Paper, 1998) -
Innovation in the service sector: Results from the Italian statistical survey
(IDEA Paper Series;7, Working Paper, 1998) -
The use of innovation surveys for policy evaluation
(IDEA Paper Series;2, Working Paper, 1998) -
Indicators for human resources and mobility
(IDEA Paper Series;9, Working Paper, 1998) -
Institutional mapping of the Norwegian national system of innovation
(STEP Working Paper;1-1998, Working Paper, 1998-01) -
Offshore Engineering, Consulting and Innovation
(STEP Working Paper;4-1998, Working Paper, 1998-02) -
Formell kompetanse i norsk arbeidsliv 1986-1994: Noen foreløpige resultater fra analyser av de norske sysselsettingsfilene
(STEP Working Paper;5-1998, Working Paper, 1998-02) -
Knowledge Intensive Business Services: A Second National Knowledge Infrastructure?
(STEP Working Paper;3-1998, Working Paper, 1998-02) -
Science, technology and innovation indicators: A guide for policy-makers
(IDEA Paper Series;5, Working Paper, 1998-07-30) -
The future of innovation measurement in Europe: Concepts, problems and practical direction
(IDEA Paper Series;3, Working Paper, 1998-07-31) -
Innovasjonsstrategier for Aust-Agder: Innspill til Strategisk Næringsplan
(STEP Working Paper;2-1998, Working Paper, 1998-08) -
FoU-aktivitet i Oslo: En presentasjon av noen sentrale FoU-data
(STEP Working Paper;8-1998, Working Paper, 1998-10) -
Machine tool services and innovation
(STEP Working Paper;6-1998, Working Paper, 1998-10)