Blar i NIFU Open Access Archive på forfatter "Langfeldt, Liv"
Assessing the broader impacts of research: A review of methods and practices
Langfeldt, Liv; Scordato, Lisa (NIFU Working Paper;2015-8, Working Paper, 2015-04)This study was commissioned by the Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (Formas). It maps how societal and broader impacts are assessed in four funding agencies outside Sweden ... -
Bibliometrisk analyse av faggrensene i Norges forskningsråds fagevalueringer
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU skriftserie;2004-14, Research report, 2015-03-31)NIFU har med finansiering fra Norges forskningsråd utført en analyse av hvordan bibliometriske data kan være til nytte ved avgrensningsarbeidet når et fagfelt skal evalueres. Prosjektet er basert på analyser av avgrensningene ... -
Centres of Excellence in the Nordic countries. A comparative study of research excellence policy and excellence centre schemes in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden
Aksnes, Dag W.; Benner, Mats; Borlaug, Siri Brorstad; Hansen, Hanne Foss; Kallerud, Egil; Kristiansen, Ernst; Langfeldt, Liv; Pelkonen, Antti; Sivertsen, Gunnar (NIFU Working Paper;2012:4, Working paper, 2012-01)The PEAC project – with the full title: coping with globalization: how do Policies to promote Excellence Affect the research Community – aims at improving the knowledge base for research and innovation policy for the ... -
Citations, citation indicators, and research quality: An overview of basic concepts and theories
Aksnes, Dag W.; Langfeldt, Liv; Wouters, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-07)Citations are increasingly used as performance indicators in research policy and within the research system. Usually, citations are assumed to reflect the impact of the research or its quality. What is the justification ... -
Co‑existing notions of research quality: A framework to study context‑specific understandings of good research
Langfeldt, Liv; Nedeva, Maria; Sörlin, Sverker; Thomas, Duncan A. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-26)Notions of research quality are contextual in many respects: they vary between fields of research, between review contexts and between policy contexts. Yet, the role of these co-existing notions in research, and in research ... -
The Decision-Making Constraints and Processes of Grant Peer Review, and Their Effects on the Review Outcome
Langfeldt, Liv (Chapter, 2022)When distributing grants, research councils use peer expertise as a guarantee for supporting the best projects. However, there are no clear norms for assessments, and there may be a large variation in what criteria reviewers ... -
Decision-making in expert panels evaluating research: Constraints, processes and bias
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU-rapport;6-2002, Research report, 2002-07)This thesis on decision-making in expert panels evaluating research has been part of research training programme at NIFU financed by the Research Council of Norway. -
Distrust in grant peer review — reasons and remedies
Langfeldt, Liv; Reymert, Ingvild; Svartefoss, Silje Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)With the increasing reliance on competitive grants to fund research, we see a review system under pressure. While peer review has long been perceived as the cornerstone of self-governance in science, researchers have ... -
Economic Research in Norway: Institutions, resources, personnel and publishing
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU STEP Working Paper;2006:24, Working paper, 2006-06)This report was prepared as a background document for the evaluation of economics research in Norway, planned to start autumn 2006. It presents data on the personnel, economic resources and international publishing related ... -
Efficiency and flexibility in research funding. A comparative study of funding instruments and review criteria
Langfeldt, Liv; Scordato, Lisa (NIFU-rapport;2016:9, Research report, 2016-06-28)We compare funding instruments and review criteria in national funding agencies in five different countries, USA (NSF), Sweden (VINNOVA), the Netherlands (NWO), UK (NERC) and Norway (RCN), as well as in the Horizon 2020 ... -
Evaluation of the European Young Investigator Awards Scheme
Langfeldt, Liv; Brofoss, Karl Erik (NIFU STEP Working Paper;2005:10, Working Paper, 2005-05)This evaluation of the European Young Investigator Awards Scheme (EURYI) was commissioned by the ESF and EUROHORCs and performed by NIFU STEP. Its central questions are to what extent the target group of the scheme has ... -
Evaluation of the Norwegian scheme for independent research projects (FRIPRO)
Langfeldt, Liv; Ramberg, Inge; Sivertsen, Gunnar; Bloch, Carter; Olsen, Dorothy Sutherland (NIFU report;2012-8, Research report, 2012-03)FRIPRO is a funding scheme for independent research projects encompassing basic research in all areas. It is a key instrument of the Research Council of Norway (RCN) for fostering basic research and promoting high scientific ... -
Evaluation of the Spark pilot: Identifying novel and unconventional research by doubleblinded peer review
Langfeldt, Liv; Ingeborgrud, Lina; Reymert, Ingvild; Svartefoss, Silje Marie; Borlaug, Siri Brorstad (NIFU Report;2022:2, Research report, 2021-12)This report presents the results of an evaluation of the Spark pilot, a research funding instrument which was piloted by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) in 2019 and 2020 to enable rapid funding of unconventional ... -
Evaluering av forskningskvalitet: Et kritisk blikk på fagfellevurdering
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU skriftserie;1999:9, Research report, 1999-11)Denne rapporten tar for seg den tradisjonelle og mest utbredte formen for vurdering av faglig kvalitet – bedømmelser foretatt av fagekspertise på feltet. Første del inneholder kort historikk og ser på hva fagfeller legger ... -
Evaluering av NTNUs program for tverrfaglig forskning
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU skriftserie;2002-21, Research report, 2002-06)NIFU har på oppdrag fra Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (NTNU) evaluert NTNUs program for tverrfaglig forskning. Dette programmet er et tiltak for å fremme tverrfaglig forskning ved NTNU og et svar på de ... -
Evaluering av Teknologirådet
Langfeldt, Liv; Ramberg, Inge; Tømte, Cathrine (NIFU rapport;2011-32, Research report, 2011-09)Teknologirådet, etablert i 1999, er et uavhengig organ med et bredt sett av oppgaver knyttet til utredning, rådgiving, formidling og offentlig debatt om muligheter og konsekvenser ved ny teknologi. Denne evaluering omfatter ... -
Excellence initiatives in Nordic research policies. Policy issues - tensions and options
Langfeldt, Liv; Borlaug, Siri Brorstad; Aksnes, Dag W.; Benner, Mats; Hansen, Hanne Foss; Kallerud, Egil; Kristiansen, Ernst; Pelkonen, Antti; Sivertsen, Gunnar (NIFU Working Paper;2013:10, Working Paper, 2013-06)This report presents results from a research project (PEAC) studying the impact of funding schemes for Centres of Excellence (CoE) in the Nordic countries. -
Fagfellevurdering som forskningspolitisk virkemiddel: En studie av fordelingen av frie midler i Norges forskningsråd
Langfeldt, Liv (NIFU-rapport;12-1998, Research report, 1998-09)Gjennom å studere de ulike søknadsbehandlingsprosessene for frie midler i Norges forskningsråd gir rapporten generell innsikt i hvilken betydning organisatoriske faktorer kan ha for utfallet av peer review-basert ... -
Faglige og institusjonelle avgrensninger. Bakgrunnsdata til Norges forskningsråd for evaluering av fagene filosofi, rettsvitenskap sosiologi, sosialantropologi og samfunnsgeografi
Langfeldt, Liv; Klitkou, Antje (NIFU STEP rapport;2009-1, Research report, 2009-01)I forbindelse med Norges forskningsråds kommende evalueringer av forskningen innen rettsvitenskap, filosofi, sosiologi, sosialantropologi og samfunnsgeografi har NIFU STEP fått i oppdrag å bidra med bakgrunnsinformasjon ... -
Forskningsrådets instituttevalueringer 1995-1999 - En analyse av innhold og brukspotensial for Norges forskningsråd, samt bruk og effekter ved instituttene
Brofoss, Karl Erik; Langfeldt, Liv (U-notat;1999-5, Working paper, 1999-11)Norsk institutt for studier av forskning og utdanning (NIFU) er gitt i oppdrag av Norges forskningsrad å foreta en analyse og vurdering av de evalueringene som er foretatt av forskningsinstituttene. Grunnlaget for ...