• Nordic pathways 

      Klitkou, Antje (Others, 2013)
    • Patentering fra norske universiteter, høyskoler og forskningsinstitutter 

      Klitkou, Antje; Gulbrandsen, Magnus; Iversen, Eric James (NIFU STEP-arbeidsnotat;2006:14, Working paper, 2006-04-06)
      316 forskere besvarte spørreskjemaet vi sendte ut for å verifisere koblingen mellom databasene og for å få vite mer om forskeroppfinnerne. Svarene viser at forskeroppfinnere i høy grad er mobile og samarbeider med andre ...
    • Path creation in Nordic energy and road transport systems – The role of technological characteristics 

      Hansen, Teis; Scordato, Lisa; Wessberg, Nina; Klitkou, Antje; Borup, Mads (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2017)
      This paper reviews path-creation processes in road transport systems in the Nordic countries: e-mobility in Denmark, hydrogen and fuel-cell electrical vehicles in Norway, and advanced biofuels in Finland and Sweden. The ...
    • Pathway analysis of a zero-emission transition in the Nordic-Baltic region 

      Lund, Peter D.; Skytte, Klaus; Bolwig, Simon; Bolkesjø, Torjus Folsland; Bergaentzlé, Claire; Gunkel, Philipp Andreas; Kirkerud, Jon Gustav; Klitkou, Antje; Koduvere, Hardi; Gravelsinš, Armands; Blumberga, Dagnija; Söder, Lennart (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-29)
      A zero-emission pathway for the Nordic and Baltic region in Europe is described based on the comprehensive policy and scenario analyses, accompanied by energy system modelling. The analyses show that a least-cost strategy ...
    • Policy mixes for the sustainability transition of the pulp and paper industry in Sweden 

      Scordato, Lisa; Klitkou, Antje; Tartiu, Valentina Elena; Coenen, Lars (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The need to view innovation policy through the lens of policy mixes has gained momentum given the growing complexity, the dynamics of real-world policy and the wide array of difficulties to address the current great societal ...
    • Priorities, strengths and comparative advantage in Norwegian research, viewed in relation to the cooperation with South Africa 

      Klitkou, Antje; Solum, Nils Henrik; Olsen, Terje Bruen; Kallerud, Egil; Søgnen, Randi (NIFU STEP Working Paper;2005:25, Working Paper, 2005-09-21)
      This paper deals with three issues: First it describes the Norwegian R&D system and discusses general trends and key issues in Norwegian research policy. Second, it compares comparative advantages of Norwegian research ...
    • Produktivt samspill? Forsknings- og innovasjonssamarbeid mellom næringsliv og FoU-miljøer 

      Thune, Taran; Gulbrandsen, Magnus; Klitkou, Antje; Ramberg, Inge; Aanstad, Siri; Olsen, Dorothy Sutherland (NIFU rapport;2012-24, Research report, 2012-06)
      Denne rapporten oppsummerer et treårig forskningsprosjekt om samarbeid mellom næringslivet og den forskningsutførende sektoren i Norge, med hovedvekt på forsknings- og innovasjonssamarbeid mellom universiteter/høgskoler ...
    • Regional policy development based on new research directions 

      Capasso, Marco; Iversen, Eric James; Klitkou, Antje; Sandven, Tore (NIFU Insight;2018-2, Others, 2018-05-29)
      Addressing climate change is one of the grand societal challenges of our time. It requires a concerted effort of innovation, industrial and environmental policy. In order to achieve green restructuring at regional level, ...
    • Review of modelling energy transitions pathways with application to energy system flexibility 

      Bolwig, Simon; Bazbauers, Gatis; Klitkou, Antje; Lund, Peter D.; Blumberga, Andra; Gravelsinš, Armands; Blumberga, Dagnija (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The aim of this review is to discuss how quantitative modelling of energy scenarios for sustainable energy transition pathways can be made more realistic by taking into account insights from the socio-technical and related ...
    • The role of board interlocks in increasing the use of wood in Norwegian construction 

      Svartefoss, Silje Marie; Klitkou, Antje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      This paper studies the existence of board interlocks between woodbased firms in the Norwegian construction supply chain and firms in other industries, and their role in enabling increased use of wood in construction. ...
    • Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport 

      Nikoleris, Alexandra; Andersen, Per Dannemand; Hansen, Teis; Fevolden, Arne Martin; Olsen, Dorothy Sutherland; Klitkou, Antje; Coenen, Lars (Lecture, 2013)
      This paper attempts to review two important strands on literature relevant for our understanding of demonstration projects and trials for the transition towards more sustainability: Firstly, the literature on demonstration ...
    • Scandinavian demonstration projects for sustainable energy and transport: Their contribution to the formation of broad and aligned networks 

      Klitkou, Antje; Borup, Mads; Fevolden, Arne Martin; Nikoleris, Alexandra (NIFU-rapport;39-2014, Research report, 2014-12-19)
      This report gives results of an analysis of effects of demonstration projects in transition processes to sustainable energy and transport in the Scandinavian countries. The report is a result of the research project “Role ...
    • Social science research on energy: International and Norwegian studies 

      Klitkou, Antje; Pedersen, Trond Einar; Schwach, Vera; Scordato, Lisa (NIFU STEP rapport;4-2010, Research report, 2010-02-19)
      This analysis indicates that energy, and environmental friendly energy especially, has increased in importance within social science publishing and also in terms of Norwegian participation in national and international ...
    • Social science research on environmentally friendly energy in Norway 

      Ramberg, Inge; Børing, Pål; Klitkou, Antje; Solberg, Espen (NIFU Report;2016:37, Research report, 2016-11)
      NIFU has conducted a follow up study on social science research on environmentally friendly energy, on commission from the Research Council of Norway. The study builds on and updates a 2010 NIFU STEP report on the same subject.
    • Socioeconomic indicators to monitor Norway's bioeconomy in transition 

      Capasso, Marco; Klitkou, Antje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Bioeconomy is a concept increasingly used to circumscribe that part of the economy which depends on the utilisation of biomass. Recent empirical analyses of the European Union bioeconomies have adopted a definition of ...
    • Socioeconomic Indicators to Monitor Norway’s Bioeconomy in Transition 

      Capasso, Marco; Klitkou, Antje (NIFU-rapport;2020:5, Research report, 2020-01)
      This report gives an assessment of socioeconomic indicators for the Norwegian bioeconomy. The report is an outcome of a project funded by Innovation Norway (project no. 2019/106506) in collaboration with the Research Council ...
    • Systemic intermediaries and the transition toward forest-based bioeconomy in the North 

      Klitkou, Antje; Jolly, Suyash; Suvinen, Nina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      The activities of cluster initiatives operating as systemic intermediaries and supporting networking activities have been discussed in prior studies. We integrate insights from the cluster theory and the literature on ...
    • Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions (TOP-NEST): Final report 

      Klitkou, Antje; Bolwig, Simon; Coenen, Lars; Solér, Ola; Scordato, Lisa (NIFU-rapport;2015:32, Research report, 2015-10)
      This report summarizes the outcomes of the 4-year research project “Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions (TOP-NEST). The project was funded by Nordic Energy Research, under the Sustainable Energy ...
    • The electrification of Nordic road transport 

      Klitkou, Antje (Science & Technology;10-2014, Others, 2014)
    • The interconnected dynamics of social practices and their implications for transformative change: A review 

      Klitkou, Antje; Bolwig, Simon; Huber, Andreas; Ingeborgrud, Lina; Pluciński, Przemysław; Rohracher, Harald; Schartinger, Doris; Thiene, Mara; Żuk, Piotr (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This review article analyses the interconnectedness of different fields of social practice. Our aim is to understand if and how the literature using social practice theory addresses these interrelations and how this is ...