Blar i 4 - Academic Publications / Vitenskapelige publikasjoner på utgivelsesdato
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Knowledge spillovers to industry: Opportunities for universities of applied sciences
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)The paper condenses recent empirical findings about the characteristics of those firms that utilize and appreciate knowledge spillovers from higher education organizations. We discuss these findings, sketch out how these ... -
"Har vi hatt leksehjelp nå?" Sosial utjevning når alle skal med
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)I en kompleks verden får tiltak og ordninger ofte andre virkninger enn planlagt, fordi det skjer uforutsette ting i omgivelsene. Det kan også være paradokser innebygd i den enkelte ordning som gjør at resultatene ikke blir ... -
Entrepreneurship in higher education - impacts on graduates' entrepreneurial intentions, activity and learning outcome
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Purpose - The paper examines the proportion of HE graduates in Norway who have undertaken different forms of entrepreneurship education and how comprehensive the entrepreneurship education has been. The main purpose is to ... -
Learning outcomes across disciplines and professions: Measurement and interpretation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Learning outcomes of higher education are a quality tool in a changing higher education landscape but cannot be seen as neutral measures across professions and disciplines. Survey results from graduates and recent graduates ... -
Phased Implementation: Successful Alignment of Tools of Implementation to Improve Motivation and Mastery in Lower Secondary Schools in Norway
(Chapter, 2014)Is one national implementation strategy better than another given similar conditions? Or: Is choosing an implementation strategy a way of altering its conditions? A Norwegian aphorism says that the forest stands although ... -
The Micro-foundations of Regional Branching—the Case of Digitization of Publishing
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Theorizing within evolutionary economic geography (EEG) on regional branching of industries has so far been depicted as evolving through routine replication among different economic actors that hold various degrees of ... -
Enhancing measurement in science and mathematics education through Rasch analysis: Rationale and properties
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)This article presents the basic rationale of Rasch theory and seven core properties of Rasch modeling; analyses of test targeting, person separation, person fit, item fit, differential item functioning, functioning of ... -
Inre spänningar och framtida utmaningar för peer review
(Chapter, 2015)Forskare ägnar mycket tid åt att bedöma forskning, vilket kan leda till rollkonflikter och andra motsättningar. Bland de framtida utmaningarna för peer review finns frågan hur kraven på insyn och samhällsnytta ska kunna ... -
Teachers’ Learning Activities in the Workplace: How Does Teacher Education Matter?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The ability of teachers to learn and develop at work is important for the quality of their performance and their well-being. However, research has been ambiguous about what factors can improve it. Two reasons for this ... -
Publication rate expressed by age, gender and academic position - A large-scale analysis of Norwegian academic staff
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This study investigates how scientific performance in terms of publication rate is influencedby the gender, age and academic position of the researchers. Previous studies have shownthat these factors are important variables ... -
The relationship between basic and applied research in universities
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)What is the central research activity in modern universities? This paper uses a comprehensive survey among individuals from 15 countries to map differences in orientation towards basic/fundamental research, applied/practical ... -
The Expansion of English-medium Instruction in the Nordic Countries.Can Top-Down University Language Polices Encourage Bottom-up Disciplinary Literacy Goals?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Recently, in the wake of the Bologna Declaration and similar international initiatives, there has been a rapid increase in the number of university courses and programmes taught through the medium of English. Surveys have ... -
Are There Learning Agents in Innovative Firms? A Study of the Potential Role of Human Resource Managers in Learning and Innovation
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article takes the link between learning and innovation as its starting point and explores how this relationship might be managed within the innovative firm. In order to gain a better overview of the kinds of activities, ... -
The role of lock-in mechanisms in transition processes: the case of energy for road transport
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This paper revisits the theoretical concepts of lock-in mechanisms to analyse transitionprocesses in energy production and road transportation in the Nordic countries, focussingon three technology platforms: advanced ... -
Uploading, downloading and uploading again - concepts for policy integration in education research
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)This article focuses on Nordic education policy research, investigating the connections between international and national education policy developments and the consequences of these for curriculum and assessment. Drawing ... -
International mobility: Findings from a survey of researchers in the EU
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)International mobility of researchers is increasingly constructed both as a science policy problem to be solved and as a goal to be pursued. Yet evidence on the experience of mobility and the factors associated with ... -
Vetenskaplig rådgivning - utmaningar öppnar för omdöme och värderingar
(Chapter, 2015-06-04)Hur står det till med den vetenskapsbaserade rådgivningen? I takt med att vetenskaplig verksamhet växer överallt och inom snart sagt alla vetenskapsområden borde läget vara det bästa tänkbara. Men är det så? -
Wilhelm Röpke and Richard C. Koo on Secondary Deflations and Balance Sheet Recessions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-15)The concept of a ‘secondary deflation’ was developed in the 1930s by the German economist Wilhelm Röpke, who saw it as something different from a normal depression. While a primary deflation is a necessary reaction to the ... -
How does prolific professors influence on the citation impact of their university departments?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Professors and associate professors ("professors") in full-time positions are key personnel in the scientific activity of university departments, both in conducting their own research and in their roles as project leaders ... -
Knowledge brokering initiatives in education – a systematic map of the Nordic countries
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The international trend of evidence-based practice has led to the establishment of a new type of organisation, knowledge brokering initiatives, to strengthen the link between research-based knowledge and policy and practice. ...